Dec 29, 2013

Hello Lovelies, 
This is Shelby here. Many of you know what it feels like to be left in the dump. Today I am going to talk about how you can redeem yourself after a terrible break up or loss of a loved one. As you know, life is never easy. If your life is easy, well..don't hold your breath too long on that one. There will be a moment or two in your life that something has happened to someone that was once dear to you but has passed away or left you one time or another. Although I can give you advice and tips to help you along that terrible tunnel, I can never revive the people you love or hook you back up with that lost soul. The truth is, life is full of surprises! Sometimes the people that mean the most to you are usually the ones that have to leave you. It's hard to imagine, I know, but that is what makes life as the lining of mountains. So, to make your life easier than before, I'm going to give you tips and advice for those bumpy roads of yours. Are you ready?
1) The day you lose that special someone is the day you feel like you're going to be die as well. Don't fear what road is ahead of  you. If you die of loss, let me know. 
2) If you need a good book to read and someone's shoulder to cry on, just know that there are many people that you know that are actually willing to comfort you. They just haven't been accepted into your personal circle yet. 
3) If you keep feeling alone in a room full of people, don't fret. Many of the people around you suffered the same as you have before or even are right now or will a day from now. If they can be strong, you can be strong too! So being in someone's presence is of help BUT you will not be with someone all hours of the day. Being alone is also a good way to cope because your thoughts always bring you to a conclusion. If you are thinking thoughts of suicide just remember that more people will hurt around you once you pass away. It would start a 'chain of pain,' as I would say. 
4) One time or another you will see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. If you have lost someone close to you, realize that they are at peace now. They can no longer be harmed by their misfortunes in life. If that love of yours has left you, know that now you are free to choose your life and live it the way you want. You are in control of your life now. Now you won't have to deal with someone who was stressed because of your decisions and actions and it all came down on you in the end. Also, if you left that terrible love, good for you! 'There are many fish in the sea' as the phrase goes. 
There is also a quote that I live by that goes, "The chain of love goes on; if love has left you, it will come back stronger." Meaning, if someone has gone, you will find someone that connects even more with you than the last one. Don't let fear of loss get to you. I believe that there is a soul-mate for everyone. They will come when the time is right.
5) The five stages of Grief: 
   1. Denial and Isolation
   2. Anger
   3. Bargaining 
   4. Depression
   5. Acceptance
If you want to know more, copy or click the link below:

Do not worry, if life gets you down then you are at the beginning of the dark tunnel. Just. Keep. Walking.
Remember these words today:
 "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt


Dec 28, 2013

Hello Ladies,
This is Shelby here. I am here to get to know you and help you realize why your life is so important to today's crazy society! As you all know, life can be filled with ups and downs! But, you need to understand that throughout all the hardships and battles women have to face every day, there are many perks to being a lady!
Firstly, you need to know that women every day struggle with weight loss, blemishes, insecurity, and even emotional trauma. Trust me, you are not the only one. Women all around the world suffer. Maya Angelou once said, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Life is too short to be wasting our lives away because of the emotional headache stress can give us. We must not walk throughout our days and think of what we could have done but what we should do to make our days bright and shiny! 
Lastly, Life is what you make it, not make what your life is. You should never settle for something that you will end up regretting. Instead, move forward and show that world who you really are and what you can become just by being a strong women. I can relate to so many of you in a number of ways. 
 In my many struggles, I have faced heartache that consisted of long distance relationships, not enough money to get what I needed, a much tried home away from home, a small apartment with no bed or communications with the world. I've also dealt with a crappy job that I can't quit because I can't find another one. I lived a fantasy my whole life thinking that I can things would never get better. I'm here to tell you that you came to the right place! You see, I know what it feels like to be kicked out of my house, or not loved by your very own family or even back-stabbing friends. All have happened to me in the worst ways. Maybe my stories are of no use to you. But, in this blog I want you to tell me your stories and show me what you did to change that. If you have quotes for other women that feel they have no hope, or you are the woman that needs a little inspiration just email me and I can give you that boost you have wanted. I would also like to take this time to refer good movies and songs for you in a time of trial and error. I know life can be hard. So, in my next blog I will show you how you can turn your life around just by inspiration! You can make a difference! You can show people that you are worth it. You aren't a low class woman, but a strong-hearted lover!
Remember these words today: 
 “A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
